Location:- Bahawal nagar, PAKISTAN
(State: Punjab)
Qiblah Direction: 261.326196 (From North Clockwise)
Latitude:30.5508° N
Longitude: 73.3908° E
Distance between Kaaba (Makkah) and Bahawal nagar: 2168.40 miles or 3488.96 Km.
Languages Spoken: Punjabi 61%, Siraiki
(a Punjabi variant) 04% , Urdu (official) 28%, English 6% , others 1% , Political Structure Nazam = Mian Mumtaz Ahmad MatyanaVisitors in Bahawalnagar = 26
Timezone: GMT + 5.00
Weather: Normal
Prayer Time of B.W.N: Click Here Visitors in PAKISTAN = 201309
About Bahawal Nagar Location Bahawalnagar has five tehsils ("counties"). They are Bahawalnagar itself, Minchanabad, Chishtian, Fort Abbas and Haroonabad. The population of Bahawalnagar is 2 million. It is not a prosperous city. Most of its people live in villages and engage in cultivation, which is the main source of income. The people living in the city carry on small businesses. There is no industry in the whole of the region except Adam Sugar Mills, in Chishtian. There is one commerce college and two post graduate colleges in the city for women and boys.The sub-Campus of Islamia University is also located here. The literacy rate is less than 25%. The unemployment rate is much higher than 25%.
The region's problems can be overcome by establishing new industries in the city to allieviate the problem of unemployment. Another problem is ignorance which can be solved by keeping the educational institutions in order. The main problem they have to face is the un-availability of sui gas.problems and unemployment can be overcome by providing sui gas to them. The roads leading to the district Bahawal Nagar are very rough.The need of the day is to provide good transport and roads facility to the the district of punjab which is the largest district of punjab by area.
Climate & Vegetation
District Bahawalnagar has a very hot and dry climate in summer. The maximum temperature touches 52ºC. The climate in winter is very dry and cold. The minimum temperature recorded was 6ºC. Wind and storms are quite common during the summer. The average annual rainfall in the district is 119 mm. The district may be divided into three parts. These are the riverain area, the canal irrigated plain and the desert area. The riverain area of the district lies close to the Satluj river which flows in the North-West along its border with Okara, Pakpattan, Sahiwal and Vehari districts. The land in this area is irrigated by non-perennial canals. During the summer monsoons, the area is generally in-undated by the river water. The canal irrigated area is a plain which has been brought under cultivation by the canals.The main canal which is Sdqia canal irrigate almost all the tehsils except Chishtian.This canal travells in round with the border of Pakistan and India. The desert area of the district is called the Cholistan. The surface of this desert consists of a succession of sand dunes, rising in places to a height of 150 metres. It is covered with the vegetation peculiar to the sandy tracts Bahawalnagar is one of the hottest areas in the country. Typically the temperature reaches 50°C (122°F) in the summer.
River & Canals
Roads & Bazaars
Beautiful Places
Private Schools & Collages
Govt. Schools & Collages
Main Crops Wheat and cotton are the main crops grown in the Chishtian. Besides, Sugarcane, Makai, are also grown in minor quantities in the Bahawalnagar.
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